What We Offer:

Explore how Breaking Cycles can revolutionise staff training by creating active engagement, empathy, and problem-solving through immersive role-play scenarios using professional actors. (We do not ask delegates to role play) We taylor training to meet the needs of your team. Topics include: conflict resolution, managing absence, peformance managment, diversity and inclusion and much more.

Interactive Learning:

Our training provides an interactive and engaging learning experience. Participants actively engage in scenarios, which helps them understand and retain concepts better than traditional lecture-style training.

Skill Development:

 We provide employees  space to practice and develop soft skills such as communication, conflict resolution, and teamwork in a safe environment. They can experiment with different approaches and receive immediate feedback.

Real-World Scenarios:

Forum theatre uses real-world scenarios and challenges that employees may encounter in their roles. This makes the training highly relevant to their work, increasing its effectiveness.

Empathy and Perspective-Taking:

Participants gain a deeper understanding of different perspectives and viewpoints by playing various roles in a scenario. This can enhance empathy and improve interpersonal relationships in the workplace.



Conflict Resolution:

Breaking Cycles staff training offers effective tool for teaching conflict resolution skills. Employees can witness different conflict resolution techniques and learn how to handle difficult situations constructively.

Critical Thinking:

We encourage critical thinking as participants must analyse situations and make decisions on how to respond. This helps in developing problem-solving skills.

Communication Skills:

We focus on improving verbal and non-verbal communication skills, which are crucial in a corporate setting. Participants learn how to convey their ideas effectively.

Feedback and Reflection:

After each scenario, there is an opportunity for discussion and feedback. This reflection process helps employees identify areas for improvement and implement changes in their behavior.